Chris McDermott
is a very busy musician. Playing all over America, Europe, and the Caribbean for over 30 years.
An improviser of high degree to match his compositional abilities, lyrics, singing and production style.
Playing solo or surrounding himself with some of the best international musicians in the world, Chris lives for that real "in the moment" exchange that creates a musical experience that feels as though it is being created for you the listener, personally.
Ten albums and many single releases on social media.
Chris has been well known in the Blues world, the rock world, and the outer fringes of the jazz world. He is one of few artists who are able to reinvent themselves several times in their career yet maintain their personal stamp. The hungry journey continues.
Started out touring as sideman to many blues greats-
Eddie Kirkland, Carrie Bell, Nappy Brown, Zorah Young, Marva Wright, Toni Lynn Washington among others.
As band leader worked with some of the Best Jazz/Blues/Soul Players in the world-
Bernard Purdie, Clyde Stubblefield, Rakalaam Bob Moses, John Lockwood, Matthew Garrison, many more.
Released 8 albums of original music and most recently
"Dirty Work" a reimagined approach to the music of Steely Dan.
Produced and played on numerous recordings for other artists
Former staff writer for Warner/Chappel publishing.
Part time instructor at Berklee College of Music. Course director at Full Sail University in Orlando, Fla.
Played the emerging artists stage at Woodstock '99.
Most recent release "Dirty Work" is currently receiving airplay on 93 stations across U.S.A., Spain, Latvia, Belarus, and Bulgaria
Find Chris on most internet radio stations,
Pandora, Spotify, itunes, and,,